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Blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the web.





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Web Collage

updated by rck, 2005-07-10
Web Collage experienced 9 hits from AltaVista today. Altavista, the big search engine that was popular before Google came up. Naturally I was a bit puzzled as the search query view of the current Visitors 1.2 beta didn't show any AltaVista hits.

The explaination is rather simple. The hits wheren't caused by search queries. No, they where triggered by a special AltaVista random image link.

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360 days - Next generation Blogging

updated by rck, 2004-11-19
360 days - Next generation Blogging

You probably know blogging. You might know photo blogs as well. Blogs, that tell of someones life with a couple of nice photos.

Mickael Therer topped that by documenting his life with Quicktime panoramas. And they are looking good!

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New Themes: Emotions + Schloss

updated by rck, 2004-10-12
New Themes: Emotions + Schloss

I had an idea on Sunday. What, if I'd try to make phpWebSite look less like a content management system and more like a Designers site?

While I am no designer, far from it, I did some googling and came up with a nice singlecolumn layout. Combine it with a banner-image and the corresponding Swatches and you get Emotions. Or Schloss.

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Nikon verliert bei Kompaktkameras

updated by rck, 2006-04-15
Nikon verliert bei Kompaktkameras Sony gibt seine Cliés auf, Nikon schreibt Verluste bei filmbasierten Kompaktkameras, -- was passiert als nächstes?

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Mezzoblue v4 - jetzt mit noch mehr Mezzo

updated by rck, 2006-03-27
Mezzoblue v4 - jetzt mit noch mehr Mezzo Mezzoblue, Dave Shera's Weblog, hat vor zwei Tagen ein ganz neues Design bekommen. Das Farbschema blieb im wesentlichen gleich, davon abgesehen ist so ziemlich alles neu.

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Bill Gates mag Blogs

updated by rck, 2006-03-26
Bill Gates mag Blogs In seiner vorgestrigen Rede hat Bill Gates die Bedeutung von Online-Tagebüchern herausgestrichen. Einerseits erzählte er, dass Blogs ein interessantes Publikum ansprechen. Andererseits von der RSS-Technologie, die Updates kund tut.

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